Hey! I’m Crystal,
Photographer, life enthusiast and photo Blogger
Aside from being a photographer:
I'm the wife of the most amazing man I've ever met. Wow, we're already off to the cliché-iest of starts. Haha. For real though, he's great.
We have two kids together and my hubby summed it up pretty well the other night, "I really like our kids. We're obligated to love them, but it really says something when you like them too."... Well put my man. They are wild, but also super cool little humans. They are not perfect and sometimes I have no idea how to handle them, or what the heck I'm doing, but hey, that's parenting for you!
I'm a photographer by trade, I love me some photography. I have owned Crystal Lens Photography since 2015 and love being an entrepreneur.
Coffee is my love language, it must be hot or iced, nothing is worse than lukewarm coffee (OK OK I can think of a few things lol). I've recently gotten into being a plant mom- also recovering serial (plant) Killer. I'm obsessed with manifestation, I love practicing gratitude and being optimistic as a strategy. ALSO on a much less deep level, I love mom fashion, being a fun mom and beautiful spaces.